10. On ceasing to hold office, the
Chairman, Vice Chairman or other member shall be ineligible for
further employment under the State Government, or any local or other
authority under the control of the State Government, or any
corporation or society owned or controlled by the state Government;
Provided that, subject to other provision of this act, a Vice
-Chairman and any other member shall be eligible for appointment as
Vice Chairman or Chairman.
11. On ceasing to hold office, the
Chairman, Vice Chairman or other member shall not appear, act or
plead before the Tribunal on behalf of any person.
12. The salaries and allowances payable to
the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and other member and other conditions of
their service shall be such as may be determined by the State
Government from time to time.
13. Where the Chairman is unable to
discharge his functions owing to absence, illness or any other cause, or where any vacancy occurs in the office of the Chairman by
reason of his death, resignation or otherwise, the Vice Chairman and
where the Vice Chairman is likewise unable to discharge his function
or the office of the Vice-Chairman also is vacant, such other member
as the state Government may by special or general order specify
shall discharge the functions of the Chairman until the Chairman
resume his duties or as the case may be, a Chairman appointed in
accordance with the provisions of this act assume charge of his
Registrar will be of Higher
Judicial Service (H.J.S.). Registrar is the head of office and D.D.O.
of the State Public Services Tribunal. The Registrar shall have the
custody of the records of the Tribunal and shall exercise such other
functions as are assigned to him under these rules or by the Chairman
by separate order. The Registrar may, with the approval of the
Chairman delegate to the Joint Registrar (J) or Joint Registrar (E) or
any other officer any function or power required by these rules to be
performed or exercised by the Registrar. The Official seal shall be
kept in the custody of the Registrar. Subject to any general or
special direction by the Chairman, the seal of the Tribunal shall not
be affixed to any order, summons or other process save under the
authority in writing of the Registrar. The seal of the Tribunal shall
not be affixed to any certified copy issued by the Tribunal save under
the authority in writing of the Registrar.
Joint Registrar (J):
Joint Registrar (J) will be of
Provincial Judicial Service in status of Civil Judge Senior division.
He shall exercise functions as are assigned by Chairman and the work
delegated by the registrar. He will supervise and manage the functions
of the following sections.
1. Reporting Section
2. Cause List Section
3. Writ Section
4. Contempt Section
Joint Registrar (E):
Joint Registrar (E) will be of
Provincial Civil Service (Executive). He shall exercise functions as
are assigned by Chairman and the work delegated by the registrar. He
will supervise and manage the functions of the following sections.
Copying Section
Central Record Room
Enquiry Section
General Administration ---
Maintenance of the office, sanitation, Telephone & Intercom
Purchase, distribution and storage of
Disposal of complaints related to
Inspection and discipline in the
Staff of the Tribunal:
The State Government shall determine
the nature and Categories of the officers and other employees
required to assist the Tribunal in the discharge of its functions
and provide the Tribunal with such officers and Other employees as
it may think fit.
The officers and other employees of
the Tribunal shall discharge their functions under the general
superintendence of the Chairman.
The salaries and allowances and
conditions of service of the officer’s and other employees of the
tribunal shall be such as may be prescribed.”
Presenting Officer:
Government may appoint a public servant
or a legal practitioner, to be known as the presenting officer, to
present its cases before the tribunal. Presently there are thirteen
presenting officers including in-charge presenting officer.
Bar Association:
There is a association of advocates
practicing in tribunal which is called State Public Services Tribunal
Bar Association, established in 1976 and situated in room No.-213-215
on 2nd floor of office building. There are about more than 400 members
in the bar association.

Constitution of Bench/ Hearing of reference by the Tribunal
Chairman may from time to time constitute Benches consisting of a
single member or two members, for the disposal of such references of
claims and other matters as may be specified by him. It shall be
lawful for the Chairman to nominate himself as a member of any such
Bench. A Bench consisting of two members shall include a Judicial
Member and an Administrative Member.
Where the members
of a Bench consisting of two members are unable to agree, the matter
shall be referred to another member nominated by the Chairman and the
decision of such other member shall be final and operative.
Functions of different sections
A petition on service matter against the
department or organization of the government or authority,
corporation, a body owned or controlled by the U. P. Government, can
be filed in the tribunal. The natures of petitions are as follows:
1.1 Type of Petitions:
Mainly there are two type of petitions-
(a) Claim Petition
(b) Contempt Petition
1.1.1 Claim Petition :
If any person who is or has been a
public servant claims that in any matter related to employment as such
public servant his employer has dealt with him in a manner, which is
not in conformity with any contract, can file claim petition.
1.1.2 Contempt Petition :
On the basis of disobedience/
non-compliance of the order of the court or a part of the order of the
court, applicant can file a contempt petition. In contempt petition
respondent should be mentioned by name.
In every claim petition, petitioner asks
for relief (Prayer). The relief has been categorized in eight types-
Types of Relief (Prayers) As per
Major Punishment
Minor Punishment
Other Matters